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Beaches in Port-en-Bessin-Huppain (14520) France - advise, map and photos

Information on the seaside resort and on the beaches of Port-en-Bessin-Huppain (Calvados) in France


Information on the seaside resort of Port-en-Bessin-Huppain (14520)

Port en Bessin in Normandy - France

Location of Port en Bessin in Normandy

  • Phone tourist office :Display phone
  • Phone port :Display phone
  • You will find 1 beach in Port-en-Bessin-Huppain :1 pebble beach and 1 cove.

Located in the country of Bessin, Port-en-Bessin is the most important fishing port of Basse-Normandie. Strategic point during the Second World War (refueling point of the allies from June 1944), Port en Bessin retains some vestiges of this period as casemates and wrecks.  The city center is organized around the port and its different basins. Many cafes and restaurants spread their terraces on the docks (we regret that the area is not pedestrian).

Beach side at Port-en-Bessin, the choice comes down to a small pebble cove with no real charm east side at the foot of the Vauban tower. Nothing to do with the big sandy beaches of the region ! For swimming, we will prefer the nearby beaches of Vierville sur Mer, of Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer or of Longues sur Mer.

As the beaches are not the principal asset of Port en Bessin, we mainly come for the authenticity of its port or for its pleasant promenade in direction of Longues sur Mer.

Interactive map of the beaches of Port-en-Bessin-Huppain

Choose your beach on the map:

Map of Port en Bessin beaches in France - Normandy Vauban cove Vierville sur Mer Luc sur Mer

All beaches at Port-en-Bessin-Huppain

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