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Beaches in Mimizan (40200) France - advise, map and photos

Information on the seaside resort and on the beaches of Mimizan (Landes) in France


Information on the seaside resort of Mimizan (40200)

Mimizan-Plage in France

Location of Mimizan-Plage in France

  • Phone tourist office :Display phone
  • You will find 8 beaches in Mimizan :8 sandy beaches.

Located in the north of the department of Landes on the Silver Coast and belonging to the “Pays de Born”, the town of Mimizan is one of the most popular resorts. Its 10 km of coastline are to the delight of tourists. There are several ocean beaches in Mimizan on either side of the Courant. There are also some beaches around the lake Aureilhan.

It is thanks to the fashion of sea bathing in the early twentieth century that the town could develop; it also has a source, Notre Dame, that could treat many diseases.

Its forest and three Natura 2000 sites enable you to discover beautiful unspoilt scenery and including the "Dunes of the coastline of Arcachon ", north of the city, "Mimizan Dunes at Vieux Boucau” further south, the lake of Malloueyre and wetlands of “Pays de Born”.
North of Mimizan-Plage, you can find Biscarrosse-Plage where there are many beaches. In the south, there are small little known beaches around Mimizan (Contis-Plage and Lit et Mixe).

Interactive map of the beaches of Mimizan

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Map of Mimizan beaches in France Lespecier beach Remember beach Garluche beach Corniche beach Goelands beach Ailes beach South beach Courant beach Biscarrosse beaches Contis beaches

All beaches at Mimizan

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