List of beaches near Aix-en-Provence invites you to discover the closest beaches to Aix-en-Provence The map shows the different beaches. You can use + or – on the map to zoom. Below you will find more information about available equipment. Our detailed factsheets propose a detailed map and many photos.

Below you can find a list of beaches near Aix-en-Provence

Estaque Beach  - Marseille

Estaque Beach - Marseille

34 km from Aix-en-Provence

For details, click here
Port de La Vesse Beach - Le Rove

Port de La Vesse Beach - Le Rove

39 km from Aix-en-Provence

For details, click here
Niolon Beach  - Le Rove

Niolon Beach - Le Rove

39 km from Aix-en-Provence

For details, click here
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